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Showing posts with label ADA compliance. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Put SEO in the picture

screenshot of Imagify report

One aspect of putting SEO in the picture is thinking about the impact your pictures have on your site core vitals.

All content marketers know that it takes more than text to catch the eye. But those who are also aware of site loading issues realize that pictures can slow down a site.

Slow page loadings harm your core web vitals and your SEO.

So what should you do: give up the pictures or give up the better speed?

The answer is neither. You can have the best of both worlds -- attractively illustrated posts and good loading times when you optimize your pictures for web view.

In the past, I had to do this manually for each image, playing around a bit to find the size that would look good but does slow things down. I don't have to do that now.

I just discovered a great SaaS solution. Imagify optimizes your images for you in a snap. 

It enables you to fix all the ones you have on a page without having to upload them one by one. At the free level, you get up 200 images a month, though you have to be sure to download them within 24 hours.

I put it to the test with my site. As the screenshot here shows, it details how much memory space you can save for each compression.

For some of the pictures, the amount of memory gained was rather small, so I opted to skip those and only converted the ones for which the difference was more substantial. Imagify shows the amount of saved for all the compressed versions I selected in place of the original pictures.

While it's easy to use for any site, it's even easier if you use WordPress. You can use the Imagify plugin to automatically optimize the images and ensure that that they are not the cause of slow loading times on your site. Learn more about that by watching the video below.

Another aspect of SEO in the picture

Another way in which to consider SEO in the picture is labeling your pictures in a way that makes Google identify it with your topic and keywords. In addition to the SEO benefit, you would be  achieving ADA compliance(see Guidance on Web Accessibility and the ADA) in rendering your  pictures accessible to those who have to have content read to them because they can't view it themselves. 

The SEO boost of the labeling can sometimes manifest itself in surprising ways. I notice dthis wehn taking a closer look at Google Search Console on my Edison blog to prepare What Edison Can Teach Us About SEO. Some of the search queries were bringing up the caption I had on the picture that illustrates the blog as some people make a point of including Wikipedia in their query. 

So here's the general rule for thinking about SEO for pictures: you want to minimize the file size but maximize your label.
