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Showing posts with label climate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Environmental concerns and the electronic supply chain

Though people always talk about the weather, no one ever does anything about it. To some extent, that is also true about climate, even for those concerned about climate change. Doing something requires more than awareness. It requires a plan, and mapping out a plan begins with information about current practices. A new partnership is aimed at the getting to the starting point with data from more companies involved in the electronic supply chain.
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Data Drives Down Carbon in the Electronic Supply Chain

Achieving conflict-free minerals in a supply chain is a goal mandated by ethics, as well as law. Arriving at that end requires many steps along the way. In its latest report, Apple takes credit for achieving milestones on the way. Read more in

Apple Marking Progress on the Road to Conflict-Free Minerals