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Showing posts with label connectivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label connectivity. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2017

From Smart Cities to the Jetsons

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A connected utopia in the ideal vision of a smart city and it is achievable, but given the challenges to overcome it will take some time and effort to get there, according to AT&T's Michael Zeto.
In part one of this Q&A with Telco Transformation, Michael Zeto, general manager and executive director of AT&T Smart Cities, IoT, explained what forces, aside from the technology itself, have to work together to make smart cities viable and how his company was taking a leadership position. (See AT&T's Zeto on Achieving the Smart City Vision.)
In part two, he talks about AT&T's smart cities pilot, the type of problems smart cities deployments solve and how smart cities will evolve. He also explained why, despite the significant advances of the past couple of years, the achievement of full smart city status is still farther down the road.

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AT&T's Zeto: How Smart Cities Meet The Jetsons

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Wooden dolls and today's supply cahin

It sounds like an oxymoron: smart wooden dolls. However, that's exactly what manufacturer Avakai has created. Though it looks like a simple wooden doll in the shape Russian nesting dolls, it is Bluetooth enabled to offer interactive response. With their stress on connectivity, transparency, sustainability, and adaptability, this company reflects the values we're seeing in today's electronic supply chain.
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What Wooden Dolls Can Teach Us About Today’s Supply Chain