February 2025 |
The title here is a type of pun on math and how reporters spin the numbers to fit their agenda. It's a kind of nod to the idea lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Trying to make a boycott take off
On February 26, 2025, Betty Lin-Fisher, a consumer reporter at USA Today plugged the article she wrote for the outlet on LinkedIn thus:
This Friday, Feb. 28 is the one-day, 24-hour consumer economic blackout.
The comments showed that not everyone agreed with this approach, with many declaring that they'd make a point of shopping that Friday. Some added additional commentary on why they thought this was wrong.
For example, Kimberly wrote this:
be. Only one standing in your way is yourself.And Jan wrote:We should agree to disagree and give the current administration 2 full years to show American just what they will do for us. I may not have liked prior Presidents but I never wished harm on our working people. After 2 years, THEN speak up and change things with the Mid-Terms. However, I believe we will see our economy turn around over the next 6 months and no one will want to change anything! It's only been 5-6 weeks...... Wish for the BEST for our Country! We the People have spoken with our votes
What does the data show?
Everybody lies with visualizations