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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What B2C and B2B Marketers Can Learn From a Viral Post

"Unforgettable, that's what you are." That line describes what all marketers should strive for in their content. But they don't achieve it because they play it safe, repeating the same stock phrases everyone else uses -- especially in B2B that some have said should stand for Business to Boring.  Instead of captivating and converting your target market with such content, you bore your reader. 

I first wrote this blog a day before I saw the infographics shared by MagnaGlobal on B2B ad effectiveness supports it. While this makes perfect sense,  do bear in mind that that the 1773 LinkedIn users surveyed represent an exceedingly small sample size. To put it in perspective, I have over 4X as many connections on Linkedin profile, and many of my connections have far more followers than that. Though I find the results credible, I would really like to see this corroborated with a sample size of 50K or more.

What does it take to fall into the minority percentage that doesn't bore the reader? 

It take something that is truly original and relatable. Mammoth Cave National Park pulled that off by veering off the well-worn path of describing attractions like that. See the post on that here: Uncommon Marketing Content

This refreshing break from hyperbolic language that repeats cliches andthe admission that not everyone is going to be wowed by what you offer can definitely be applied to both B2C and B2B marketing. For B2Cs, the deodorant  you're selling will not turn your whole life around.  A drink will not make you popular. The dinner mix will grow boring if you serve it every night for dinner. 

For B2Bs: Drop the jargon and stop calling everything a game-changer or a paradigm shift when it is really just an incremental improvement over what is available. People will likely be disappointed if they are expecting to be that impressed. If they are not expecting that much, they are much more inclined to be happy with the results. 

Yes, ads typically do  exaggerate all these things, and that's just why you should stop trying to be just like everyone else, which is to say, utterly forgettable.   

Oh, and if you want some help with that, it happens to be what I do. Check out my site


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