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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ford Aims for a Sustainable Supply Chain

Though virtue is said to be its own reward, that doesn’t hold true for business. Ford is very much aware of its image and the effect that can have on customer behavior. In fact, in its press release about making the World’s Most Ethical Company list, it states very clearly:  “Consumers placing increasing importance on ethics in business; recent report shows majority of U.S. learned more about a company before doing business; more than one-third opted not to do business with companies with negative reputations.”
What Ford says its customers want corresponds to what Nielsen published in a report this past fall, “The Sustainability Imperative: New Insights On Consumer Expectations.” It notes that “brands with a demonstrated commitment to sustainability have grown more than 4% globally,” in contrast to those that cannot make the same claims whose growth rate was under 1%.


Committing to Ethical Standards for the Supply Chain

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Energy savings from 3D printing

3D printing is coming into its own as an integral part of manufacturing.  That's the view of Jack Hornick, an intellectual property attorney and author of 3D Printing Will Rock the World, a suggested textbook for "The 3D Printing Revolution" Coursera course offered by the University of Illinois Champagne-Urbana. I spoke with him about the energy saving potential of 3D printing.

Read more in 

3 Ways that 3D Printing Saves Energy

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Do you speak realtor?

Every industry has its own lingo, and that extends to the language employed by realtors.  The descriptions of homes for sale or rent are written in encoded terms specific to the real estate industry. As with any foreign language, the key to understanding those who speak it is to learn the vocabulary.

The majority of homes on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) are labelled "excellent.” Many others are called “very good,” a smaller number merely “good,” while a a few are distinguished as “mint” or “diamond.” When you look at the listings online, you may find that the accompanying photographs of some of the houses do not look as flattering as the descriptive terms. That's your first clue that there is a difference between what the word means in English and in realtor-speak.

Say you decide to check out of the houses described as "excellent." Once you arrive, you are likely to notice that the windows are the ones that were put in the house when built – about 60 years ago. The roof looks not much newer than that. The paint on the façade is faded and peeling. The advertised hard-wood floor are scratched and dull. You’ll see indications of some redecorating in the 1970’s, as evidenced by wood paneling and uninhibited application of avocado green highlighted with golden orange. The real estate agent will likely enthusiastically point out the space for a table in the kitchen while remaining silent about the ugly wallpaper and the Formica countertops  that are peeling away from the corners.

No, you are not mistaken. The house is described as “excellent” because in real estate terms that is the correct rank.  Think of the terms as the equivalent of stars assigned for Amazon, Yelp, or movie ratings. What is in all the rest of the universe called "poor," and rates a single star is "good" in realtor-speak.  A house that has experienced a fire, requiring dousing by two fire engines for a couple of hours until it is thoroughly marred by flames, smoke, and water, may, for example, be described as “good.”

 For “good +” rankings, add a half a star, but don’t set your expectations much higher. “Very Good” is the equivalent of two stars. A house with that description is what is known in layman’s terms as a “dump,” a term a real estate agent will never apply to one of her listings (in your hearing, that is). With this context, you know that that the “excellent” house is better than "good" and "very good," the equivalent of  three out of five stars.

If you want something that will not have such obvious flaws -- though all houses have some flaws -- you need a house that is rated “mint.” No, that does not connote that the house is painted pale green or scented with toothpaste. “Mint” in real estate lingo translates into what you thought “very good” or “excellent” meant. 

Sometimes a term like “diamond,” which connotes a slightly higher standing through its association with wealth and distinction, or, for the practical-minded “move-in condition” is substituted. Do bear in mind, though, that such terms of perfection could apply to the most hideously decorated house you could imagine, so long as the neon green paint is not peeling and the vintage shag carpeting is not threadbare.

 A house could be described as “mint” even if it has not been renovated in the past 5-10 years, so long as it is updated enough not to require an immediate overhaul of the kitchen or bathroom. But don’t get your hopes up for the granite kitchen with top name appliances. Trust me, if they are they, they'd be listed in the description.  As terms become overused, the agent has to find a new word to indicate a superior grade. Consequently, a house in truly new condition may be called “mint +++.”

Something else to watch out for is the use of term that doesn't quite fit the rankings. That is the word "charming." If you see a "charming colonial," listed, be prepared for something that definitely needs work. It's not necessary as bad as "good" or even "very good," but it surely does not qualify as "mint."

 What about a house that has been renovated in part but not completely? Some agents solve that problem by coming up with an average rank that favors the house’s positive attributes. In my brief stint in real estate, I once showed a house that the listing agent described as “mint.” In fact, some of its features were even better than mint, extra-large master bedroom and completely redone full tile bathrooms, etc.  It also had features that might have been called only “very good” to “excellent.” Half the windows clearly needed to be replaced, and the kitchen was both small and outdated. Like in math, average rankings can be misleading, as you would expect a certain consistency that in fact is not in place.

So don't worry if you find the terms confusing. It's not you; it's the lingo. Once you adjust your expectations, you should no longer feel unnerved by your encounters with realtors and should actually be able to use the services they offer to your advantage. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and you certainly will need as many arms as possible to handle the even more daunting world of mortgages. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

An Idiot's guide for writers

I got this email today:
For more than twenty years, our Idiot’s Guides books have been teaching people how to do everything from balancing your checkbook to raising bees. But now, we are starting a whole new revolution online - and we want you to be a part of it!
Questions. We know you’ve got ‘em. Here’s the low-down, Q&A style.
What’s the short story?We wanted to create a global community online where anyone can come to teach what they know, or learn what they don’t.  Enter, our brand-spankin’ new site that is a global community where anyone can post a how-to article (called “Quick Guides”) on any subject they’d like!
What does this have to do with me?You’re awesome. We already know that by following your blog! We’d love for you to share your awesomeness with us by joining our community and contributing to!
Hm. Ok...what’s in it for me?  (It’s ok to ask, we know you want to!)Exposure (the good kind): Your contributions will be seen by the more than 1 million people who come to our site each month.
You can link back to your site on any Quick Guide that you write, boosting traffic to your site.
We share your work on all of our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
You can earn loads of fun badges! Earn enough and you rise to the level of Guru, which can lead to a paid writing gig as one of our Idiot’s Guides book authors!

Right, so after working for free for some unspecified period of time to earn nothing but exposure and badges(REALLY? Who do you think we writers are, 8 year-olds?) you may finally move up to considered for a job that could pay you. In the interim, I suppose you're supposed to live on air or  bunk in your parents' house. Maybe they really do think they're getting children to write for badges and are waiting for them to grow up before actually expecting any real compensation for work.

 You know what I would be sure to include if I were writing an Idiot's Guide for writers? It would be not to fall for the exposure line from someone who claims to be offering you the gig because of the exposure you've already achieved on your own. I'd also go over the information I included in

Friday, May 20, 2016

Optimizing the mobile experience

Mindful of the increasing number of its customers who access its site through smartphones, Simplyhealth enhanced its mobile application delivery.

As a major health-cash-plan provider that serves nearly 3.5 million customers in the United Kingdom, Simplyhealth has to keep track of the pulse of its customer base in order to meet their needs effectively. Knowing that about 40 percent of its Web traffic comes through mobile devices, the organization has to ensure that its content works on a range of different units.
In the past, Simplyhealth underwent a lot of time-consuming testing that didn't accurately replicate the user experience. Determined to forestall any possible glitches in its mobile service, the organization started looking for a solution in 2013.
- See more at:

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Don't you recognize my voice?

What's your mother's maiden name? 
Which street did you live on when you were growing up? 
What's the name of your first pet? 
In what city was your parent born?

Sound familiar?
These are standard identity authentication questions that all have to be answered before you get to bring up what you really called about. Certainly, we want measures of security, though it is possible to authenticate the caller other ways.

Voice biometrics is becoming increasingly popular. It's not a complete solution on its own, as all security experts insist single-step authentication are not secure enough for anything you really wish to protect. But it offers the advantage of convenience and likely better security than questions whose answers can often be obtained with some online searches and a view of your Facebook profile.

Read more in  Securely Yours: Voice Biometric Authentication Gains Traction

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Data for better job matches

How do you know that a new hire will work out? Even a perfect resume doesn’t guarantee it because there are many other factors that determine if an individual will be happy and productive at a particular organization. That’s the premise of job matching startup called It takes in a lot more data from both employee and employer to predict compatibility for sales positions.

Credit: iStock
Credit: iStock
If that sounds rather like online dating, it should, because that's the model that Somen Mondal,’s CEO, invokes. I spoke to him on the phone about how his approach works. He also revealed what made him realize that there is a need for a better way to match candidates with companies.
Read more in 

Data-Driven Hiring Takes Command

Writing for free is not tax deductible

Recently I brought down my auto insurance premium significantly and wanted to find  a media outlet that was a good fit for the topic and that would pay me for writing about it. In the course of hunting around for sites of that sort and came across one that said it does want guest bloggers. But the pay is so low, it recommends you can consider the writing a donation. Here's the exact wording:
  • Small fee of $20 per post.  If you normally charge more, ask your accountant if the rest of your fee is considered a donation. We'll be happy to send you our 501c3 letter.  Please also let us know if you would just like to donate the full amount, and not receive payment.
This is not just laughable but dangerous. In my eyes, the site lost all credibility if the editors actually believe what they're saying or are low enough to deliberately lure people into doing work for free or for far less than they deserve because they can gain a tax advantage.

I do volunteer work regularly. Sometimes it's writing, sometimes it's packing up food for people in the neighborhood, and sometimes it's covering phones as a dispatcher for a local roadside assistance service. It's voluntary work that I do to help, but it is not tax deductible. I looked this up once and discovered that in the views of the government, the only deductible expense associated with volunteer work would be out-of-pocket expenses -- not the value you place on your time. See That is explicitly stated as item #4 on "Contributions You Can't Deduct."

So if anyone tries to sell you on donating your time with the compensation of a tax deduction, be aware that the IRS will not allow it. It could possibly work for those who sell products -- say food for an event or possibly even physical books, but not for the articles you compose for a site.  

Related posts:

Friday, May 6, 2016

The post that got the most comments

That's the most comments to date of any single blog on that site, already topping 145.

Like much of the tech featured in the original Star Trek and other futuristic shows, communicating with a computer directly through speech has long been a reality via an interface dominated by Nuance, the company behind the virtual assistant female voice many hear on their smartphones and computers. But Google is upping the game with software that promises to deliver more than its competition does now and down the road.
See more in 

Google Cloud Speech API: A Step Forward for Voice Activation

Friday, April 22, 2016

Amazing visualization for sports

You don’t have to be a sports fan to be impressed by what real time analytics can do for sports. With
new offerings from Intel, we can now know exactly what speed and what heights a snowboarder achieved, and we can get a 3D view of basketball that goes far beyond anything we’ve ever seen before.....
 for data capture in basketball, Intel applied something completely different, 360-Degree freeD Replays. In February Intel partnered with the National Basketball Association to deliver 3-D experience to the fans watching live on TNT or on, or through the NBA App.

Intel’s CEO Brian Krzanich said the “sweeping views of top plays from virtually any angle” make it possible for “people to experience NBA All-Star like never before.” The way it works is by setting out 28 ultrahigh-definition cameras to capture video images that can then be combined for 3D views from any position.

An article inThe Cauldron, "Digitization Is Upon Us — The Biggest Change In Sports In Over 100 Years," explained that the court is rendered into “a series of "voxels," small cubes to make up the volume of the area. Then, a computer can virtually place a viewer anywhere, providing a complete 360-degree view. See the videos here 

Read more in 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Trading places the high tech way

A high tech approach to barter promises to make getaways more affordable. That’s the concept behind It allows you to offer your home in exchange for staying at someone else's without limiting you to staying in the town of the specific person who wants to come to yours.
The business was founded in Lyon, France in 2012, though it also has offices in New York, London, and Sydney. The listings on the service extend much further, with accommodations in 160 countries.

In a way, the service mirrors the monetary solution to the problem of barter. What if you don’t want the eggs your neighbor offered in exchange for your wheat? Likewise, perhaps you don’t want to go to London on the same dates the person in London wishes to come to your hometown. Through Nightswapping, all parties get a consistent medium of exchange, measure of value, and store of value through points. Points are earned by giving nights in your home, and redeemed by staying at another’s place. The service brings the two together and provides some information in the form of reviews from visitors and its own scale of ranking.

You go here...
Credit: Pixabay
You go here...
Credit: Pixabay
The price for each night’s stay is determined by Nightswapping’s scale that ranges from 1 to 7. The number on that scale is based on the Nightswapping algorithm, which takes into account the popularity of the area, the square footage, the number of bedrooms, the comfort level, and the type of accommodation -- there’s more value in having a whole apartment than a bedroom within a house. A shorter stay at a place with a higher standard can cost the same number of points as a longer stay at a place closer to the bottom of the scale.

Read more in Swipe to Swap and Go


German clouds on the horizon

The possibilities inherent in applying digitization to industry has earned a name of its own, Industry 4.0, with modified spelling when applied to Germany. In Europe, Germany is the leading star of this fourth industrial revolution. Progress on that front has not been as rapid as some had hoped due to some obstacles identified by a Mckinsey and Co. report published in March 2016.  But that is set to change now with the arrival of clouds built in Germany to meet the needs of Germany’s Industry 4.0.
The Mckinsey report, “Industry 4.0after the initial hype” (PDF download )  looks at perception, progress, and problems faced by the evolution of manufacturing in a digital age. It is based on survey responses from 300 industry experts in Germany, the US, and Japan.  In a nutshell, the anticipation raised a few years ago has resulted in some disappointments, as some businesses did not come up with a clear plan and timeline for implementing a digital strategy.  At this point, 60 percent of those surveyed said that they have come up against obstacles to executing digital strategies.

A fundamental problem for some of the companies was finding a way to integrate the data that comes in from various sources, something that is essential to extracting a comprehensive picture of the process to maximize efficiency that doesn’t compromise the data security or ownership when it passes into “third party technology and software providers.”   For the companies in Germany, there’s the additional concern of being certain to comply with the data privacy regulations in place and the distrust of datacenters located outside the country. 

Read more in 

New IoT Clouds on German Horizon

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

From your ears to your feet, there are more ways to wear wearables

Wearables were one of the main features at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES). While many conformed to the traditional mold of plastic bracelets, there were some new options that could make them attractive even to those who prefer something more fashionable, versatile, or less encumbered. Now those in the market for wearables can select the sensors that fit their personal style choices.
Research from market research firm Mintel forecasts that this year’s sale of wearables in the US will nearly double, increasing 186 percent over last year. Women make up more than half that market for fitness trackers. About 14 percent of women possess some form of fitness tracker as opposed to 10 percent of men.

GlamFit Ring
GlamFit Ring
That percentage could be even further boosted by the new wearables designed specifically for women in the form of pendants, rings, and bracelets that look like fashionable jewelry. That is the concept behind the fitness, calorie counters, and sleep tracking wearables fromGlamFit Jewelry by Liberty
Read more in 

Wearable Tech Finds Its Style

Friday, February 19, 2016

Shopping with Watson

Over the past decade and a half, successful web retailers have been able to tailor their
marketing toward the individual consumer, providing a level of personalization all shoppers—both offline and on—have come to expect as standard across the industry.
Shoppers have come to expect the tailored marketing that algorithms can deliver to them when shopping online in physical stores. However, that kind of personalization is only possible with sales staff that knows the customer and the merchandise very well. Even in the e-commerce space, customers often are frustrated by an overwhelming number of irrelevant search results that steers them away from their intended purchase. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Software a food bank can bank on

We've recently come off the holiday season—a time when most people are more likely to be charitable. While that's a boon for charities in general, it does create headaches for organizations like Second Harvest, which can be inundated with food donations in a relatively short span of time.
Some of the food donations—particularly cans and boxes of dry goods—can be kept for quite a while and distributed at times when donations are lighter. But some of the food is near the end of its shelf life, so it must be identified quickly so that it be given to people before it spoils. That's where accurate real-time tracking can make all the difference.
- Read more at A Food Bank Banks on Logistics Software